Francisco Martinez-Capel, Chair of the IAHR Ecohydraulics Committee

Francisco Martinez-Capel

Francisco Martinez-Capel

Dr. Francisco Martinez-Capel is tenure Associate Professor and senior researcher in the Research Institute for Integrated Management of Coastal Zones (IGIC), which belongs to the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain). He performs research with a cross-disciplinary approach on modelling river habitats and river rehabilitation measures for both animals and riparian plants. His main research topics are environmental flows, habitat modelling for fish and aquatic invertebrates and the relations between flow regime and riparian vegetation. He is author or co-author of over 40 scientific papers. He has been guest editor in the international journals River research & Applications and Limnetica. He serves as reviewer for several journals including Environmental Modelling & Software, Ecological Modelling, Ecohydrology, River Research and Applications and Limnetica.

He is the Chair of the international IAHR Ecohydraulics Committee, and President of the Iberian Centre for River Restoration (CIREF) for Spain and Portugal. He has participated in the Sc. Committee of international conferences, e.g. the International Symposium on Ecohydraulics (organized by IAHR) from 2007 to 2015. Since 2010 he has participated in 11 national and international research projects, in two of them as the coordinator or “P.I.”. Regarding technical activities, he has participated in 8 projects in different countries since 2010. Those research and technical projects deal with impacts of climate change on water resources (IMPADAPT), fish ecology, habitat modeling, environmental flow assessments and riparian vegetation modelling, in different countries such as Spain, Greece, Brasil, Chile and Tanzania. He has participated in 4 actions at the EU level; The Marie-Curie Project HolRiverMed (as Scientific P.I.); the IWRM-NET project RIPFLOW; and two more EU projects. Since the completion of his thesis in 2000, he has supervised 24 Final Degree projects, 6 PhD Thesis and 6 Master Thesis in several PhD and Master Programmes where he lectures regularly.

Key Dates

Saturday, May 28, 2016 
    International Conference on Ecohydraulics 

Sunday, May 29, 2016
      New Journal Inner Working Meeting

Individual Registration

Group Registration

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